Galilee Boat Launch
41° 22.994' N 71° 30.447' W See this location in: Google Maps Map Server Acme Maps
This is a site for launching boats from trailers. Boat ramps can normally be used to launch canoes and kayaks but please do your best to keep the boat ramp clear for boat trailers.
Description & Overview:
This newly rebuilt boat ramp provides access to Point Judith Pond, the second largest salt pond in South County. For kayakers Point Judith Pond has lots of coves to poke into and explore, however the Pond can be a busy place so especially in this lower section of the pond, kayakers are advised to avoid the channel and stick to the shallow, less-trafficked areas. Kayakers should particularly avoid the Jerusalem and Galilee port areas due to strong currents and large vessels. Much of Bluff Hill Cove, north of the boat ramp, is less than 2 feet deep at low tide so larger boats will mostly avoid this area.
This boat ramp sees heavy used by both commercial and recreational fisherman launching trailered boats, so kayakers and other people launching small, hand-carried boats may prefer to launch from one of the other, less busy put-ins in the area.
IMPORTANT: Special parking rules apply to the parking lot for this boat ramp. The parking lot is designated as only for vehicles pulling boat trailers. So, if you are not pulling a boat trailer you'll need to park somewhere else. There is other parking in the immediate area, including across the street, but pay attention to any parking rules.
On most days the southwest wind fills in across this area in the morning and blows throughout the afternoon, so be prepared for this when planning your trip.
This site provides access to the following water bodies in the Coastal Watersheds (West Bay) watershed: Point Judith Pond.
Alternate Site Name: Pt. Judith Pond Escape Road
Town: Narragansett
Nearest Town Center: Port of Galillee
Driving Landmarks: Take Rhode Island 108 south past Fisherman's Memorial Park. 0.1 miles after the park turn right onto Galilee Escape Road, where there are signs for the "Galilee/Block Island Boat." Go straight for 1.2 miles to the intersection with Great island Road and then turn right. The "Galilee State Boat Launch" is on your right in a few hundred feet, before the bridge to Goat Island.
Access & Waters:
Water 'Features' At Site: estuary
Note: Because one boat launch can access, say, both a lake and a river or both the upstream and downstream portions of a river, not all paddling trips at a given site will necessarily encounter all of the features listed.
Type of Access: Boat ramp
ADA Accessible Boat Launch? yes
Shoreline: In 2014 this boat ramp was rebuilt and there is now a 60-foot-wide ramp with floating docks on both sides, with walkways that allow access to boaters with disabilities.
Float/Dock: low float or dock
Hours of Operation: Sunrise to sunset, year-round
Fees: no
Limited to Town Residents? no
Parking: yes: 50 spaces, no overnight parking
ADA Accessible Parking Spaces? yes
Nearby Amenities:
Public Restrooms: There are normally portable outhouses at the boat launch.
Town Center: Port of Galillee
Sources for More Information:
Other Guidebooks: Site 36 in Ed Mullen's book "Kayaking Narragansett Bay"
Website: Salt Pond Coalition kayaking guide (PDF format) with maps and lots of detailed information
Website: Mike Krabach's kayak access website
Ecological, Cultural & Recreational Attractions:
Beach for swimming and fishing.

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Private feedback goes to the Blueways Alliance/RI Land Trust Council. We'll use your information to make this website better or pass it along to the people who can deal with physical issues at this site. Public comments are posted here (once they've been reviewed and approved) for all to see.
The data on this website come from many sources, including volunteers and organizations across the state of Rhode Island and nearby parts of Massachusetts. We have done our best to make sure the data are accurate and up to date, but any information critical to the success of your trip should be confirmed before you start. The maps and information on this website should not be substituted for nautical charts, topographic maps, or other more detailed maps and guides. We welcome corrections and additions. To send a correction or provide other feedback, please use our feedback form (see link above).
This site report was last updated on November 25, 2014
bridge clearance
Submitted by: Ian; November 16, 2020; 1:25 pm
What (roughly) is the clearance to go beneath the bridge to gain access to the ocean when using this boat ramp?
[Moderator's Note: I believe the clearance is 11 feet at Mean High Water but I'm not positive.]
Is the boat ramp open due to the Coronavirus?
Submitted by: wayne piadade; April 13, 2020; 8:11 pm
Is the boat ramp open due to the Coronavirus?