Beach Pond
41° 34.441' N 71° 47.216' W See this location in: Google Maps Map Server Acme Maps
This is a site for launching boats from trailers. Boat ramps can normally be used to launch canoes and kayaks but please do your best to keep the boat ramp clear for boat trailers.
Description & Overview:
Beach Pond is a large 430-acre pond that straddles the border between Connecticut and Rhode Island. There used to be a state swimming beach at this site on Beach Pond but it has been closed and swimming is not permitted. However, there is a relatively new boat ramp and floating dock.
Beach pond is large and open. Arcadia Management Area borders much of the Rhode Island shoreline of the pond and some of the Connecticut shoreline is also State Forest land. However, other parts of the Connecticut shoreline are built up with houses.
Beach Pond is up to 60 feet deep in places and supports a wide variety of fish species. According to RI DEM "anglers might catch largemouth bass, pickerel, perch, or catfish as well as smallmouth bass (one of the few ponds in the state where smallmouth bass are found), or walleye, which are stocked by the State of Connecticut. Rhode Island also stocks Brown and Rainbow Trout."
There is also a boat ramp on the Connecticut side of the pond (see link below). The parking lot at the Connecticut boat ramp reportedly fills up early on summer weekends.
This site provides access to the following water bodies: Beach Pond.
Town: Exeter
Driving Landmarks: From I-95 north or south take Exit 5A for Route 102 south. Go 0.7 miles on Route 102 and then turn right onto Nooseneck Hill Road/Route 3 south. Go 1.3 miles south on Route 3 and turn right onto Route 165/Ten Rod Road. Go 6.9 miles west on Route 165 and look for the parking area for Beach Pond on the right, just before the start of the causeway across the lake. There is a sign that says "Arcadia Beach Pond Recreation Area" at the parking area.
Access & Waters:
Water 'Features' At Site: lake/reservior
Note: Because one boat launch can access, say, both a lake and a river or both the upstream and downstream portions of a river, not all paddling trips at a given site will necessarily encounter all of the features listed.
Type of Access: Boat ramp
Shoreline: boat ramp and adjacent sand and gravel beach
Float/Dock: low float or dock
Hours of Operation: Closed from 1/2 hr. after sunset to 5 am, except for fishing, boating and hunting
Parking: yes: 20 spaces
ADA Accessible Parking Spaces? no
Nearby Amenities:
Public Restrooms: No
Sources for More Information:
Website: Information about the boat ramp on the Connecticut side of Beach Pond
Ecological, Cultural & Recreational Attractions:
Arcadia Management Area, which borders much of the Rhode Island side of the pond, has many walking trails as well as numerous other places to go paddling.

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Private feedback goes to the Blueways Alliance/RI Land Trust Council. We'll use your information to make this website better or pass it along to the people who can deal with physical issues at this site. Public comments are posted here (once they've been reviewed and approved) for all to see.
The data on this website come from many sources, including volunteers and organizations across the state of Rhode Island and nearby parts of Massachusetts. We have done our best to make sure the data are accurate and up to date, but any information critical to the success of your trip should be confirmed before you start. The maps and information on this website should not be substituted for nautical charts, topographic maps, or other more detailed maps and guides. We welcome corrections and additions. To send a correction or provide other feedback, please use our feedback form (see link above).
This site report was last updated on July 24, 2019
Why can't you swim at beach pond
Submitted by: Anonymous; October 29, 2024; 5:07 pm
Does anyone know why you can't swim at beach pond?
Beach Pond Improvements We Can Do
Submitted by: Paul Erdos; March 25, 2021; 12:39 pm
Beach Pond is my favourite hiking spot in RI. I am also a big fan of the fishing waters that it provides. One of the only places I can catch walleye. I moved here from South Dakota and this reminds me of some of the mountain lakes we have there. I really love this pond. I am happy to go out with a crew or anyone and clean it. Every time I go hiking there I have to bring a trash bag. My Email: Phone Number: 401-999-4308
Beauty of Beach Pond
Submitted by: Jeremy; August 2, 2020; 4:49 pm
I truly appreciate the guys who man the gates at Beach pond. They keep out all the non-boaters from parking in our boat launch & recovery ramp. I am not against people who want to swim at a beautiful lake. I am against those who think they are entitled to free parking at RI DEM run boat launch & recovery ramps. Before you people decide to hate on my comment, understand this, we boaters literally fund the DEM to manage these facilities. You do not... Please realize that THIS is the sole reason why they allow US to park there and not you. It surely isn't because they like you less, it is because, we paid into the system. For more information on what I am referring to, please ask a boater or a DEM employee, they will educate you. DEM, thank you once again! Great job!!!
Submitted by: Brady; July 30, 2019; 1:13 pm
A few weeks ago we stopped in the parking lot in an emergency situation when my son's legs after a baseball game started cramping. The 2 workers at this location and the EPA police immediately jumped in to help cool him down and offered water to help keep him hydrated. The Police called an ambulance which got him to the ER for treatment. Thanks to these 4 people for helping !!
Make better
Submitted by: Steve; July 29, 2019; 1:27 pm
Sorry to say but the state should change so it can be enjoyed more
Public Use?
Submitted by: Anonymous; July 27, 2019; 3:57 pm
This was my first experience to Beach Pond, which was less than ideal if we were allowed to go there. If choosing to park near the boat launch, you will be questioned and told that parking and non-boat use is prohibited. Apparently neighboring and adjacent properties, we were told have been complaining about use. I can empathize with residents, however not everyone is a party animal. Come to Beach Pond at your own risk, if not know your public land use rights.
Open swimming area with supervision
Submitted by: Christina; July 20, 2019; 8:28 am
Beach pond is still a beautiful body of water...too bad the trash from cities destroyed it with their filthy habits.I saw it happening forty years ago, except my generation felt free to let the filth know what we thought of their habits.Now everything has become way too lenient for the sake of being politically correct and when things get out of hand, the state is too afraid of offending a certain group (you know who you are) instead of defending the rights of decent respectful residents. Who pays the state taxes? I will ALWAYS speak my mind...I respect the environment and ANYONE who respects it as well. I DO NOT respect a government that doesn't protect MY rights.
Beach pond swimming / boat launch
Submitted by: Kelly ; July 13, 2019; 11:07 am
Very disappointed that the swimming area is closed and found out today it has been since 2001. Such a beautiful clean safe swimming at own risk location ... Rhode Island has such a beautiful asset and should allow swimming on the very small beach once again .
Photo Credit: Kelly
Enforcement of laws the key
Submitted by: Bobbythehunter; July 4, 2019; 3:16 pm
As with most problem areas around public Access it is the bad behavior of a few that ruin it for the many. I will agree that once beach pond beach officially closed folks from the Providence area descended and it got pretty rough. Nothing like dirty diapers to ruin your day at the swimming beach. That being said this perfect spot to swim should be getting utilized by responsible users. Some enforcement of laws and hands-on management should be applied in this instance. Just another example of govt falling down on the job and there irresponsible running the ship.emarassment for state of Rhode island.
Beach Pond
Submitted by: Sharon ; June 2, 2019; 11:42 pm
Beach pond used to be open to area residents,we paid like $1-$2 to get in, it was nice & clean, no problems, then they opened it to the public, people from the "city" who don't appreciate nature destroyed the place, garbage, dirty diapers, bottles you name it, there were plenty of garbage cans right there but they refused to use them,bad attitudes, blaring music & rowdiness, but why not just open it back up to the residents who appreciate it ? why must we suffer for it ?
Beautiful spot
Submitted by: Carol; September 1, 2018; 7:28 pm
We discovered Arcadia Beach Pond when passing through today from a family wedding in Connecticut on our way to see the Newport Masions. What a beautiful spot. We came on line to learn more about it and saw these comments about the issues. I hope this place is recognized as the gem it is and it receives the attention it deserves. Our family only spent a few minutes taking it in but took some beautiful photos and are making plans to go back.
People take Advantage
Submitted by: Tired of all the trash and loud music; August 4, 2018; 9:44 am
The reason it is close now is because a certain group of people destroyed the concession stand with graffiti threw the children's diapers in the water Broken glass beer bottles all over the place people forget everybody deserves the right to have a nice clean beach with you people have to learn to respect others property you don’t
Abuse of the RI boat ramp
Submitted by: Anonymous; July 15, 2018; 10:40 am
There needs to be more enforcement at the RI boat ramp. Partying, litter, excessively loud music, swimming at the ramp, blocking boaters or creating a hazard during launching. Then they wonder why they closed the beach.
A wonderful area for swimming in the past now closed?
Submitted by: J.D.; November 4, 2017; 10:27 am
Such a shame that R.I. can't come up with a plan to keep swimming open at such a wonderful place as beach pond, We are being left behind by other states, who seem to have much better way's to handle these matters , What a shame R.I. has become, cant come up with an idea! , just close it down! Very Sad!
Open up swimming again
Submitted by: Rick and daughter ; April 30, 2017; 3:17 pm
You keep a disgusting sewer hole open like Goddard Park and you keep the swimming clothes at beach pond. It doesn't make sense. You need to open up swimming at beach pond.
[Editor's comment: Rhode Island Blueays is a volunteer-run non-profit that has no real say in things like the decision to close the beach at Beach Pond.]